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Seven Bonuses You Can Get From Daily Walking?

7 Bonuses You Can Get From Daily Walking?

Regular cardio load improves health and figure. We know that, but do all of us really devote enough time to her? Easiest way to add cardio to your life is to walk more. Here are seven reasons for going for a walk everyday.

Unlike running or dancing, walking has no contraindications and everyone can do it. Regular walks have a positive effect on health. They support immunity, accelerate metabolism, strengthens bone muscle joints. And cardio loads reduce stress and give you the opportunity to be alone with your thoughts. You don't have to walk in the park for 4 hours to get all these bonuses; for the first positive changes, it is enough to walk for half an hour a day. So let's try to figure out what we're giving daily walks.

  1. Walking improves mood.

Walking improves mood, either chocolate has the same effect, but don't forget the calories you get with each piece of it.

"Research shows that regular walking changes your nervous system so that you will be less irritated," says Melina B. Jampolis, nutritionist, physician, and author of books based in Los Angeles. "Especially in the cold season, when we all suffer from a lack of sunlight."

If you walk not alone, but with a partner, a friend or even a neighbor, it also strengthens social ties and increases the level of pleasure hormones in the body.

2. Walking helps with burning calories and losing weight.

Any physical activity and walks, among other things, improves insulin susceptibility. It helps to lose weight and fat in the abdomen and your sides. While walking in the open-air, you speed up the fat burning process because it precedes with the active participation of oxygen. Walking fast and even overcoming obstacles such as climbs and descents as you go, will allow you to spend more calories and load your muscles harder.

You want to burn maximum calories? Turn walking into interval training. Here's a simple program for this workout:

  1. Limbering-up - 3 minutes walk at a normal pace

  2. The main part - 25 minutes at intervals: alternate a minute of walking at the usual pace with a minute walk at the fastest possible pace

  3. Cooling down - 2 minutes walking at a normal pace

3. Regular walks reduce the risk of chronic illness.

The results of the research in this regard are impressive, judge for yourself.

  • According to the American Diabetes Association, walking normalizes blood sugar levels, which reduces the risk of diabetes.

  • Regular walks lower blood pressure by 11 units, a study by the University of Boulder Colorado USA and the University of Tennessee found. This reduces the risk of a heart attack by 20-40%.

  • Those of us who walk a lot are 30% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who don't. This was discovered by American scientists back in 2002 in their work "Walking Compared with Vigorous Exercise for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Women".

To get such Health bonuses, sometimes you should go out and go for longer walks once a week for an hour and a half.

4. Walks protect against varicose veins.

We all know that over the years, the risk of varicose veins dilation increases. Especially in those who have a genetic predisposition to it. Venous system in the body includes the circulatory section known as the "second heart" - says dr. Lewis Navarro founder of the vein Treatment Center in New York. - It is formed by muscles, veins and valves located in caviar and feet. This system pushes blood back to the heart and lungs. And walking improves the functioning of this mechanism by strengthening muscles that provide good blood pumping.

If you already had varicose veins, daily walks will help to alleviate well-being and reduce the manifestation of the disease.

5. Walking improves intestinal function.

if you're used to stimulating coffee or cigarettes bowel movement, try replacing it with a healthier alternative, such as an active walk on an empty stomach.

Walking involves lower body muscles and abdominal muscles, which improves intestinal peristalsis. And this, in turn, solve the problem of constipation.

6. Walking will make you more creative.

Regular outdoor walks will make you more creative. This conclusion was reached in 2014 by researchers at Stanford University. They described this in their scientific paper "Give Your Ideas Some Legs: The Positive Effect of Walking on Creative Thinking".

Scientists divided the subjects into two groups. The subjects were asked to solve complex problems: one group solved them while sitting indoors, and the other group went for a walk on the street. The quickest to find non-standard answers to questions was that group of subjects who took walks on the street.

Therefore, if in your work you are constantly faced with the need to solve non-standard tasks, go for walks more often. Just do not litter your consciousness at this moment by listening to books, lectures or music. Try to focus on the present moment and the solution will come naturally.

7. Walking improves immunity.

Regular walks improve immunity and even help fight autoimmune diseases. Research by scientists from the University of Durkheim (USA) has proven that interval walks for 10 weeks improve the health of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (“Ten weeks of high-intensity interval walk training is associated with reduced disease activity and improved innate immune function in older adults with rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot study”).

And recent work by scientists from the University of Leicester (UK) found that walking is effective in combating COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Walking can also help improve metabolic syndrome

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