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What happens if you do push-ups every day

What happens if you do push-ups every day

Push-ups are considered one of the best exercises for developing upper body strength. Moreover, they can be done anywhere, without additional equipment. But what happens if you do push-ups every day?

  1. Doing push-ups every day will make you stronger.

When you do push-ups, your triceps, pecs, and shoulders are actively engaged. The correct push-up technique also works out your back, abdominal muscles, and legs. Thus, just one exercise can strengthen your entire body. In everyday life you often have to push something, for example, doors or shopping carts. You will be surprised how doing push-ups regularly will make these tasks easier.

2. Your cardiovascular system will get stronger if you do push-ups every day.

Scientists have linked muscle training to a lower risk of heart disease. For example, a link has been found between the number of push-ups a person can perform and their heart health. Men who can do 40 or more push-ups in one set are 96% less likely to have heart disease than those who cannot do 10 push-ups in a row. This is explained by the fact that the load on large muscles requires the delivery of oxygen to them, which makes the heart work. So push-ups are a great exercise to pump up your heart.

3. Doing push-ups every day will protect your shoulders from injury

Shoulder injuries often occur in unforeseen circumstances, such as during a fall. A regular push-up uses the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder girdle and is therefore one of the best exercises to protect the joints and ligaments of the shoulder from injury.

4. Push-ups every day strengthens your lower back.

The loin is involved in almost every movement. Low back pain is a common problem, and overloading or trauma to this area can be a real pain. Push-ups engage the entire body, which also strengthens this vulnerable part of the body. Strong back and chest muscles help prevent injury.

5. Doing push-ups every day, you will see improvements in your posture.

Did you know, one of the reasons for poor posture is weak core muscles? To keep your spine in the right position throughout the day - whether you're working at the computer or just walking - you need strong abs and a strong back. Correct push-ups make these muscles work. If you do push-ups every day, the body will get used to the desired position.

6. Summarize.

Daily push-ups will strengthen your arms, shoulders, and your back and abs. With their help, you will pump the cardiovascular system and protect yourself from shoulder and lower back injuries, as well as improve your posture. And most importantly, you will have beautiful and strong muscles in your arms and chest.

How many push-ups should you do? How do you complete a proper push up? Read in our article ”HOW TO PERFORM PUSH UPS PROPERLY”

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