The Argentine Tango should be skated with strong edges and considerable “élan.” Good flow and fast travel over the ice are essential and must be achieved without obvious effort or pushing.

The dance begins with partners in open hold for Steps 1 to 10. The initial progressive, chassé and progressive sequences of Steps 1 to 6 bring the partners on Step 7 to a bold LFO edge facing down the ice surface. On Step 8, both partners skate a right forward outside cross roll on count one held for one beat. On Step 9, the couple crosses behind on count two, with a change of edge on count three as their free legs are drawn past the skating legs and held for count four to be in position to start the next step, crossed behind for count one. On Step 10 the man turns a counter while the lady executes another cross behind then change of edge. This results in the partners being in closed hold as the lady directs her edge behind the man as he turns his counter.

Step 11 is strongly curved toward the side of the ice surface. At the end of this step the lady momentarily steps onto the RFI on the “and” between counts four and one before skating Step 12 that is frst directed toward the side barrier. The lobe formed by Steps 13 to 15 starts with a cross roll toward the midline. The lady then turns a cross roll three (Step 13) toward the man, then he skates a three-turn for Step 14. These steps are strong edges followed by Step 15 that is an outside edge that directs the lobe toward the side of the ice surface.

The man skates a two-beat edge (Step 16) while the lady skates a chassé (Steps 16a and b), then he steps forward to place the couple in Kilian hold. Steps 17 to 19 form a progressive sequence that is followed by a swing cross roll (Step 20) across the end of the ice surface. Another progressive sequence leads to Step 23. This step is a left forward outside edge for both ending in a forward clockwise “twizzle-like motion” for the lady (“Tw1” — her body turns one full continuous rotation, the skating foot does not technically execute a full turn, followed by a step forward) and a swing open choctaw for the man turned between count four and count one of the next measure. During the twizzle, the lady has her weight on the left foot but carries the right foot close beside it. While executing Steps 21 to 23, the lady must skate hip to hip with the man, her tracing following his. After this move is completed, the couple moves into closed hold.

On the next lobe, the lady skates a cross roll onto Step 25, but the man does not. After the lady turns her three-turn aiming at the man (her Step 25), he steps forward (his Step 26) into outside hold with the lady on his right. Steps 27 to 31 are a series of five cross rolls directed down the ice surface. The first cross roll is held for two beats, while the next three cross rolls are one beat each. The partners should skate the cross rolls lightly on well-curved edges. The final step is a cross roll outside swing roll held for three beats, and at its conclusion the lady steps briefly onto a RFI between counts four and one, which enables her to restart the dance.

TEMPO: 24 two-beat measures per minute; 96 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 32 beats, 20.0 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :35; 2 = 1:10; 3 = 1:45; 4 = 2:20
DURATION: Test 2 = 1:10 Solo after partnering 2 = 1:10 Competition 2 = 1:10 Adult Competition 2 = 1:10
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on under the “Technical Info” link
TEST: Gold

INVENTORS: Reginald J. Wilkie and Daphne B. Wallis
FIRST PERFORMED: Westminster Ice Rink, London, England, 1934

ARGENTINE TANGO — STEP CHART - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook

ARGENTINE TANGO — STEP CHART - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook


ARGENTINE TANGO-MAN — SET PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook

ARGENTINE TANGO-MAN — SET PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook


ARGENTINE TANGO-LADY — SET PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook

ARGENTINE TANGO-LADY — SET PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook