The Blues should be skated with strong edges and deep knee action to achieve the desired expression. The man begins the dance with a forward cross roll, the lady with a back cross roll moving from partial outside to closed hold. The lady crosses in front on Step 2 while her partner skates a progressive.
The man’s cross rolled three-turn on Step 4 should be skated toward the side barrier. During this turn, the lady skates a cross roll and a cross step — the first behind and the second in front. Step 4 commences in outside hold and finishes in open hold. Step 5 is a strong four-beat backward outside edge for both partners with the free leg extended in front and brought back to the skating foot just before they step forward for Step 6. It should be noted that this step commences on the third beat of the measure. Step 7 is a deep cross roll on which the free leg swings forward then returns beside the skating foot for the next step. Steps 8 to 11 form a double progressive sequence with an unusual timing: the first and the last steps are two beats each, the others are one beat in duration — the “promenade” section. Knee action and an extended free leg are used to accentuate the timing on Step 8.
Steps 12 and 13 form a closed choctaw, and both edges should have the same curvature. The free leg should be held back and brought to the heel of the skating foot just in time for the turn. The choctaw is turned neatly with the new skating foot taking the ice directly under the center of gravity. Step 14 is a backward cross roll for both partners. The pattern may retrogress at Step 15. Steps 15 to 17 form one lobe with three steps for the lady and four for the man. During the lady’s three-turn, the man skates a chassé, and the partners move into closed hold for the last step of the dance. The pattern may retrogress here.
TEMPO: 22 four-beat measures per minute; 88 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 32 beats, 21.8 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :25; 2 = :49; 3 = 1:14; 4 = 1:38
DURATION: Test 3 = 1:14 Solo after partnering 2 = :49 Competition 3 = 1:14 Adult Competition 3 = 1:14
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on under the “Technical Info” link
PATTERN: Optional
TEST: Pre-gold
INVENTORS: Robert Dench and Lesley Turner
FIRST PERFORMED: Streatham Ice Rink, London, England, 1934
Blues — STEP CHART - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
Blues — Optional Pattern Dance - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
Ice Dance: Blues
How to Refine Your Pattern Dance: Blues (Lady's Steps)