The dance may be skated in open or Kilian position, and both partners skate the same steps. It is important that skaters reflect the unusual rhythm of this dance with free leg expression as well as appropriate upper body and head positions. Accurate timing is essential to the feeling of the dance as a whole. Maintaining the tempo while achieving some edge depth should be a priority.
The dance begins with a two-beat LFO followed by a two-beat RFI progressive (Step 2). This is, in turn, followed by a quick chassé sequence commencing on a LFI edge (Step 3). The last step of the chassé sequence is a slight wildestep to the top of the lobe.
Step 6 starts with a four-beat edge with the free leg expression free but consistent with the Cha Cha rhythm. Beat four begins the two-foot slalom (Step 7) with the knees bent. The knees should rise and fall at the transitions with the hips twisting underneath (independent of the shoulders) to create the slalom motion. The power is attained on the curves by pressure, first with the RFI edge, then LFI, and finally RFI. The last RFI should be slightly deeper to allow for a good transition and push to Step 8 on beats four and one. The two foot slalom remains on two feet until the push onto the RFO edge PRIOR to Step 9. Step 8 should end parallel to the longitudinal axis. Step 9 is a half-beat just before Step 10 — a two-beat RFI.
Step 11 is a rather deep LFO swing roll. Free leg action on Steps 11 and 14 is left to the discretion of the skater. The free leg may be brought forward and extended or brought only to the skating foot and extended back again. Step 12 is an optional XF. It may be skated as an open stroke or transition. Step 13 is an XB. Step 14 is a RFI swing roll which completes the dance.
TEMPO: 25 four-beat measures per minute; 100 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 32 beats, 19.2 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :19; 2 = :38; 3 = :58; 4 = 1:17
DURATION: Test 2 = :38 Competition 3 = :58 Adult Competition 2 = :38
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on under the “Technical Info” link
TEST: Pre-bronze
INVENTOR: Helen Gage Moore. The dance was submitted by Sandy Lamb.
CHA CHA — SET PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook