Foxtrot - The dance begins with the partners in open hold with their shoulders and hips close together. Step 2 is a crossed behind chassé for both partners. Step 4a is a cross rolled three-turn for the man after which the partners are in closed hold. Step 4 for the lady commences with a cross roll. She then extends her free leg behind for the full four counts, accentuating count three with a knee bend corresponding to the man’s knee action for his change of foot. She must be careful to avoid lunging. On Steps 4b and 5 the man’s free foot leaves the ice in front and is then drawn down beside the skating foot in preparation for the next step.
Step 5 is a cross roll three-turn for the lady while the man skates a RBO edge. Step 7 is a progressive for both partners. The partners remain in closed hold until the end of Step 8. Then the man should be at the side of the lady (almost in outside hold) with their right shoulders opposite for his cross roll three-turn (Step 9).
The closed hold is resumed for Step 10. The man skates a progressive during Step 11 while the lady prepares for the mohawk. On Step 11 the lady does not swing the free leg, but after extending it behind, merely brings the free foot down beside the skating heel (keeping the free foot well turned out), then performs an outside closed mohawk on count one. To facilitate the lady’s mohawk, good edges must be skated on Steps 10 and 11.
On Step 12, the free legs of both the partners swing up together, then are drawn down evenly so that, by the end of count four, they are at the heel of the skating foot ready for Step 13. Step 13 should be stepped close to the heel of the skating foot. Step 14 is an open stroke stepped close beside the skating foot. Steps 13 and 14 should be strong inside edges.
The Foxtrot must be danced, not stepped. There must be soft knee action and flow. The free foot must always be placed on the ice close beside the skating foot. The dance is designed to be skated on deep edges with semi-circular lobes.
MUSIC RHYTHM: Foxtrot 4/4
TEMPO: 25 four-beat measures per minute; 100 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 32 beats, 19.2 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :17; 2 = :34; 3 = :50; 4 = 1:07
DURATION: Test 3 = :50 Competition 4 = 1:07 Adult Competition 3 = :50
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on under the “Technical Info” link
PATTERN: Optional
TEST: Pre-silver
INVENTORS: Eric van der Weyden and Eva Keats
FIRST PERFORMED: Westminster Ice Rink, London, England, 1933
FOXTROT — STEP CHART - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
FOXTROT — OPTIONAL PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook