How to celebrate Valentine's Day if you don't have a couple: 5 ideas

How to celebrate Valentine's Day if you don't have a couple: 5 ideas

For those who are lonely, February 14 is often annoying and sad. But Valentine's Day can be used as an occasion to express love for family, friends and, above all, for yourself. We tell you how to do it.

By and large, almost any holiday makes people who suffer from loneliness feel even sharper. But Valentine's Day in this sense is a special case: after all, New Year's Eve can be celebrated with parents, birthday - with friends, and on March 8 can be taken to a restaurant by mother and grandmother. On February 14, everything around seems to shout: if you don't have a partner, then something is allegedly wrong with you. Tables in cafes are booked in pairs, young men with bouquets are nervously trampling at subway stations, husbands and wives who have been together for many years confess their love to each other on social networks.

In such an atmosphere, it can be difficult not to fall into apathy and anxiety, even if in fact you are quite comfortable being alone or alone - temporarily or permanently. However, with common sense reflection, it becomes obvious that having a couple does not guarantee happiness: people are bad in a relationship, and we never know what really lies behind touching, full of tender photos on Instagram. In addition, there are several good ways to celebrate Valentine's Day, even if you don't have a partner.


Arrange a holiday for yourself.

Sooner or later, many of us will have a partner and children, we will firmly acquire social ties - with friends, colleagues and neighbors. Still, the only person who will always be with us, from start to finish, is ourselves. Recently, this idea has clearly updated: from celebrities, psychologists, authors of materials in the media, we increasingly hear calls to love ourselves - if only because otherwise we are unlikely to be able to love anyone else.

February 14 is a great occasion to finally confess your love for yourself or yourself, please yourself, afford something that seems to be superfluous in everyday life: going to the spa, an individual tweak master class, a night in a luxurious hotel with a marathon of your favorite movie and dinner in the room. Even cartoon romantic attributes like a chocolate fountain or a bunch of balloons with the inscription Love will be appropriate: after all, your task is to have a lot of fun.

Spend this day with friends.

In Finland, Valentine's Day has an alternative name - Ystävänpäivä, or Friends' Day. Of course, no one forbids Finns to celebrate this holiday together with a partner. But usually the "Valentines" there are sent to friends: on the eve of February 14, the mail begins to work in a particularly busy mode due to the flow of postcards. This custom, firstly, emphasizes Finland's long-standing policy of equality and avoidance of traditional romance, and secondly, perfectly illustrates the idea that in the harsh northern winter it is possible to survive only if there is a reliable person nearby.

Friends have probably helped you out more than once in difficult situations and in general brought a lot of joy to your life. Why not use the opportunity to once again gather them in a restaurant, go to the skating rink together or come to visit someone. It is not necessary to call only singles: the excitement around Valentine's Day is inflated today mainly by marketers, and in fact not all couples celebrate it. So even your married friends may well be happy to respond to the offer to spend the evening in a large company.

Offer a familiar couple to sit with their child.

On Valentine's Day, it's nice to do something good not only for yourself, but also for others. Surely among your relatives, acquaintances or colleagues there are moms and dads who have never been chosen from home without a child, to "adult" places over the past year. If communicating with children gives you pleasure, it is in your power to spend a few hours with someone's son or daughter, while his or her parents go to the movies (for the first time in a long time - not to cartoons), and then to a bar with loud live music. By the way, Cupid's role is not limited to this: unspent energy can also be thrown to organize a romantic evening for your parents or grandparents.


Go on a date.

Valentine's Day is a great occasion if you don't start a new novel, then at least take a step in this direction. You can take a chance and offer to meet someone you have liked for a long time, but you still hesitated to admit it. You can use the dating application. Or you can go to a party in the speed dating format: in large cities they are held more and more often.

You will be able to spend a little time alone with 10-15 strangers or strangers and exchange contacts in case of mutual sympathy. The main thing is not to put too much hope on such dates and take care of your safety: speed dating rarely ends with love to the coffin, and people come to the party very differently.

Allow yourself to be sad.

If all of these methods seem to you rather not alternative holiday scenarios, but only attempts to drown out the pain for a while, they should probably not be resorted to. Otherwise, you are unlikely to get a lot of pleasure, and anxiety and melancholy will sooner or later definitely be covered.
If there is a period in your life when you are very sad at the thought that there is no loved one nearby, and it is difficult for you to look at someone else's happiness, it makes sense to unleash the accumulated feelings: cry, feel sorry for yourself, ask for support from your mother or best friend. There is no law that determines how to treat loneliness correctly: someone in it is quite comfortable, and someone really suffers from it. Both are completely normal.
