Sarah France

Sarah France on ice

Sarah is a five-time US Open Professional Figure Skating Championships competitor,…

Sarah France originally comes from Pittsburgh, PA, but now splits her residences between New York, NY and Saint Paul, MN. Before taking the ice, Sarah started her love of movement studying ballet and eventually transitioned to performing professionally in modern dance and several other disciplines as well as skating and teaching.

Sarah France is the Director of Outreach Programming for the Ice Theatre of New York, a US Figure Skating triple gold medalist, professional skater, coach/choreographer, dancer and aerialist, and has competed or professionally performed in every discipline of skating. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, she has been a coach and choreographer since 1998, working with Regional, Sectional, National and International competitors across all skating disciplines. She is a faculty member for Shattuck-St. Mary’s International Figure Skating Center of Excellence training camps and a welcomed guest coach in skating programs around the world. Sarah has worked with competitive athletes representing over 40 different countries and facilitated the transition to professional careers for many skaters. She takes particular interest in developing strong foundational skating skills as well as teaching those who wish to further refine their mastery of skating technique. Her well-rounded education on the ice has allowed her to flexibly work in all disciplines of skating, as well as successfully lead instructional programs as a skating director.

Her dedication to skating and desire to share her love of the ice with others has made her a sought after instructor and performer. She believes strongly in the ability of skating to transcend barriers, teach life lessons and give opportunities to all who wish to make their home on the ice.

She is excited to be sharing her knowledge with our Adult campers!