Silver Samba - The dance begins with the partners in Kilian hold as they skate two run sequences. Steps 4 and 8, after each run sequence, are skated as a “quick cross-over slip RFI.” This is a movement in which the right free foot during the third step (LFO) of the run is held at full extension, and as it takes the ice for Steps 4 and 8 (RFI cross), the left foot on becoming the free foot is quickly slipped behind and sideways across the tracing just clear of the ice, becoming fully extended and pointing downward to accentuate the rhythm.
The lady then skates an open swing three-turn into closed hold, with a brief lift of the free leg after the turn (Step 9) while the man skates a slide chassé with the free foot passing forward (Steps 9 a and 9 b). Then the partners dance a series of chassés in the character of the Samba (Steps 10 to 17) on a curved pattern. Steps 12 and 13 and 16 and 17 are skated as slide chassés with the man slipping his left free leg turned out and forward while the lady matches by extending her right free leg backward.
On Step 18 the partners skate a two-beat deep inside swing roll (man LFI, lady RBI). Then they skate a series of chassés away from the center of the rink toward the barrier on an evenly curved pattern (Steps 19 to 22). Step 23 is a two-beat swing.
After both partners skate a chassé (Steps 24 and 25), the man skates a three-turn into Kilian hold (Step 26), while the lady skates a RBO followed by a LBI cross in front to join the man in skating a RBO for three beats (Step 27). The timing of the man’s three (his Step 26) is unusual in that he steps on count four and turns on count one of the measure.
Both partners then skate a cross roll LBO (Step 28) and, on Step 29, a cross-in-front right back inside and change of edge to outside with a triple swing of the free leg (forward, back, forward to coincide with the music). The rest of the dance is skated in Kilian hold, and after Steps 30 and 31 the remaining steps consist of four step-chassé-step sequences (the so-called “inside chassés” as the second and third step of each are inside edges — Steps 33 and 34, 36 and 37, 39 and 40, and 42 and 43a), fve slip/ slide steps, and two inside edges with the free leg held behind, crossing the tracing. The timing of the slip steps is one, one, half, half, one (although for this last slip step — Step 47 — the foot remains on the ice for half a beat, before the half-beat leg lift). A tuck action of the foot is required on the two inside edges Steps 48 and 49.
Individual interpretation by couples to add Samba character is permitted provided that the integrity of steps, free leg positions and holds is maintained.
TEMPO: 54 two-beat measures per minute; 108 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 32 beats, 17.8 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :30; 2 = :59; 3 = 1:29; 4 = 1:58
DURATION: Test 2 = :59 Competition 2 = :59 Adult Competition 2 = :59
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on under the “Technical Info” link
PATTERN: Optional
TEST: International
INVENTORS: Courtney J.L. Jones and Peri V. Horne
FIRST PERFORMANCE: Queen’s Ice Rink, London, England, 1963
SILVER SAMBA — STEP CHART - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
SILVER SAMBA-MAN — OPTIONAL PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
SILVER SAMBA-LADY — OPTIONAL PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook