Starlight Waltz - The character and rhythm of this dance are similar to that of the Viennese Waltz.
The dance starts in closed hold with three chassé sequences for both partners. The third step of each chassé sequence must finish on a strong outside edge. After the third chassé, both partners skate a six-beat change of edge on Step 9. The movement of the free leg during the second three beats of Step 9 may be interpreted as the skaters desire. Both partners skate a six-beat swing roll on Step 10. Continuing in closed hold during Steps 11 to 15, the man skates three three-turns while the lady skates two. During this sequence, freedom of movement and interpretation is left to the discretion of the partners, except that they must remain in closed hold. Care should be taken that these three-turns are not whipped. After the man’s final three-turn on Step 15, he skates a back progressive while the lady prepares for her outside closed mohawk (Steps 16a and16b). Both partners hold Step 17 for six beats, accenting count four with a lift of the free leg.
Step 18 is skated in open hold. The man holds Step 19 for three beats while the lady skates an open mohawk. The partners then resume closed hold for the swing roll on Step 20. The lady then turns into open hold, and, while the man does a chassé, she skates another open mohawk. The partners resume closed hold for another swing roll on Step 23. The “chassé/ mohawk” sequence is reversed once more during Steps 24 and 25. During the above three mohawks the lady may place the heel of the free foot to the inside or at the heel of the skating foot before the turn.
During Step 26, the man releases his left hand and places it across his back. The lady then clasps his left hand with her right hand. The man releases his right hand so that, on Step 28, he can turn his three behind the lady. During Steps 26 to 28, the man may bring his right arm forward or place it by his side.
Steps 27, 28 and 31 are commenced by the man as cross rolls and Steps 27 and 31 as cross rolls by the lady. Step 29b for the lady is a cross behind chassé after which she must be careful to step beside, not step ahead. On completion of Step 29, the partners assume Kilian hold that is retained until Step 32. On Step 32 the man skates a slide chassé while the lady turns a swing three-turn, with a backward lift of the free leg in time with the music, into closed hold to restart the dance.
TEMPO: 58 three-beat measures per minute; 174 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 48 beats, 16.6 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :35; 2 = 1:10; 3 = 1:45
DURATION: Test 2 = 1:10 Solo after partnering 2 = 1:10 Competition 2 = 1:10 Adult Competition 2 = 1:10
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on under the “Technical Info” link
TEST: Pre-gold
INVENTORS: Courtney J.L. Jones and Peri V. Horne
FIRST PERFORMED: Queens Ice Rink, London, England, 1963
Starlight Waltz — Step Chart - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
Starlight Waltz - MAN — Set Pattern Dance - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
STARLIGHT WALTZ-LADY — SET PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook