Very erect carriage must be maintained throughout this dance. The partners should skate close together. Neat footwork and good flow are essential. The pace must be maintained without obvious effort or visible pushing. The dance consists of quick crossed steps skated on shallow curves interspersed between slower rolls skated on strong curves, followed by a promenade skated in open position.
At the end of the introductory steps, the partners should be in outside hold with the lady to the right. The man makes two quick cross steps (Steps 1 and 2), the first crossed in front, the second crossed behind (a crossed chassé sequence). The lady skates a similar sequence, the first crossed behind and the second in front. These quick steps are followed by a four-beat roll (Step 3*) during which the couple assumes closed hold. During or at the end of the roll, the partners return to outside position but this time the lady is on the left. The next lobe consists of the same sequences skated on the opposite feet.
The third lobe starts with a shallow front-crossed right outside rocker for the man on Step 7 followed by two quick cross steps (Steps 8 and 9), the first crossed behind, the second in front. The lady crosses behind on Step 7, then steps forward for two steps, crossing on the second step. Step 10 is another roll in which the couple assumes closed hold. During or at the end of the roll, the partners return to outside hold with the lady on the left. The next lobe consists of another double cross step and roll sequence.
*The couple does not need to be in closed hold for the full four counts of Steps 3, 6, 10 and 13 but may change sides from outside to outside in the middle of these rolls, be in closed hold for fewer counts or even briefly. Either technique/interpretation is acceptable.
On Step 14 the lady skates a cross roll into a three-turn. The man also skates a cross roll before stepping forward onto an RFO swing roll (Step 15) into closed hold while she skates LBO swing roll. The promenade follows with the partners in open hold, skating two quick and then two slow steps. Each partner then executes a closed swing mohawk (Steps 20 and 21), inside for the man and outside for the lady, with each edge held for four beats. On Step 22 the lady steps forward to execute an inside three-turn after one beat, holding the exit edge for five beats. The man skates a chassé sequence followed by a four-beat roll (Steps 22a, b and c). The first part of Step 22 is skated in open hold. After the lady’s three-turn, the partners are in closed hold, but they complete the step in outside position ready to restart the dance.
MUSIC RHYTHM: Tango 4/4 or 2/4
TEMPO: 27 four-beat measures per minute; 108 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 32 beats, 17.8 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :29; 2 = :58; 3 = 1:27; 4 = 1:56
DURATION: Test 2 = :58 Solo after partnering 2 = :58 Competition 2 = :58 Adult Competition 2 = :58
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on usfgureskating.org under the “Technical Info” link
PATTERN: Optional
TEST: Silver
INVENTORS: Paul Kreckow and Trudy Harris
FIRST PERFORMED: Hammersmith Ice Rink, London, 1932
TANGO — OPTIONAL PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook