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How to deal with autumn apathy?

How to deal with autumn apathy?

A lot of people perceive the autumn blues as something fictional, but they're not. Autumn is one of the most difficult emotional seasons for a person- this feeling is even called seasonal affective disorder. This is due to the lack of sunlight, a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the air, lessened immunity, and a decrease in the active production of the hormone melatonin, which, together with personal causes, leads to poor health. Let's try to figure out how to deal with Autumn apathy.

  1. Shake yourself

The blues is just a consequence and it's important to figure out what's behind it. In the cognitive behavioral approach of psychotherapy, the main work is carried out with beliefs and thoughts. It is in the thoughts that the cause of poor health is hidden. When you change your attitude toward a particular state of affairs, you adjust your condition and behavior.

Don't hide behind the mask of the Eternal Positive or cheerful office worker. Admit it, you have the Autumn blues. In this way, you will morally prepare yourself for a change of situation. When we feel the blues, we turn on the energy saving mode, and it's very convenient: any problems we can blame on the blues, bad mood and season. Conversely, it takes internal resources to overcome these feelings. Naturally, this implies working on yourself, for which many are not ready.

Start slowly: spend time with friends and family, exercise, go out, go to the movies, sign up for a massage, or try a new hobby. You need to get inspired and get a boost of energy to make you want to get up from the couch and stop making excuses.

2. Observe the daily routine.

It's important to help the body:

  • eat properly,

  • go to bed on time,

  • do enough aerobic exercise.

Semi-gloom causes a depressive state, so add more light in your life. Walk during the day, buy stylish and unusual lamps, LED multicolor garlands, or light candles, leave the office for 15-20 minutes and go out into the fresh air, especially if you work indoors without a window.

3. Leave a cure.

Don't self-medicate or prescribe antidepressants. Someone may decide that this is an easy and quick way to improve your mood to get rid of anxiety. In fact, this is serious medicine, the misuse of which leads to very negative consequences. It's better to drink herbal tea with mint leaves and sage or soothing herbal tea. These drinks harmonize the condition, which helps a person to sleep tighter and calmer.

4. Visit an endocrinologist.

Don't blame yourself: it’s easy to think about why others go to self-education courses or run marathons, why others are successful in their careers and know what they want, and you can't bring yourself to get off the couch. Make an appointment with an endocrinologist who identifies the problem and prescribes the necessary tests. The cause of poor health could be the lack of magnesium B, D, E vitamins, iron deficiency anemia, and much more.

5. Talk to people close to you.

Many of us keep silent about anxiety, and over time this condition begins to escalate. Be sure to talk to people close to you, no matter who they are: mom or dad, brother or sister, friend or colleague. The main thing is that you trust a person and understand that they are ready to listen and help you. Forget about shyness and leave unnecessary thoughts behind: you're not a burden and you don't hang your problems on strangers. Do not bring yourself to a state where the world appears to you in black and white- call, write, make appointments, socialize so that your condition is not aggravated by negative consequences.

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