Morning, evening or night: when is it most effective to exercise?

What time of day is best for sports

When is it better to exercise- in the morning or in the evening? As is often the case in medicine, there is no universal answer to this question. It all depends on the type of training, habits, and characteristics of your body.


What are circadian rhythms?

During the day, certain changes occur in your body. Circadian rhythms are those that occur cyclically: day after day, with the same pattern, with a period of about 24 hours. There are quite a lot of such fluctuations in the body, but in relation to sports, fluctuations in body temperature are most interesting.

Contrary to popular belief, body temperature is normally not a constant 36.6 ° C. During the day, it fluctuates within 0.5 ° C, reaching a maximum in the afternoon and evening. In the morning hours, the body temperature is the lowest.

Another indicator related to circadian rhythms is blood cortisol levels. Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands that mobilizes the body's strength during stress or heavy exertion. Cortisol levels are highest in the morning when it helps the body wake up. In the late afternoon, cortisol levels drop.

There are other circadian rhythms, such as blood levels of melatonin, fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate. Together, they affect our performance, activity and mood.

Circadian rhythms are not the same for everyone. We distinguish between "morning" and "evening" types of people, which are respectively called "larks" and "owls"- depending on the processes occurring in the body, some people feel more active and cheerful in the morning, while others - in the evening.

Despite the conventionality of this division, a person's activity during the day really depends on circadian rhythms. They also have an impact on sports.


Why is a morning workout beneficial?

The morning is considered the best time to exercise for fat burning. Jogging, walking, and a stationary bike are excellent cardio workouts you can do before breakfast. Elevated levels of cortisol and several other hormones will spur your metabolism, and calorie expenditure will be higher than during the same exercise in the middle of the day or in the evening.

Also, jogging in the morning is a good way to keep yourself in shape after a heavy dinner the night before. Several years ago, Belgian scientists conducted an experiment: a group of young and healthy people began to eat much more fatty and high-calorie foods than before the start of the study. Those of them who exercised before breakfast did not gain extra pounds, while those who did similar exercises after meals gained noticeable weight, moreover, they developed a tendency for diabetes.

Morning workouts have another advantage - they are less likely to be dropped. According to statistics, people who start exercising in the morning are more committed to sports later on.

However, this does not mean that morning workouts are ideal for everyone. For ardent "owls" or those suffering from insomnia, jogging or going to the gym at 7 am can be sheer torture. In addition, strength training is best done at a later time.


Why is a day workout good?

Most people go to the gym in the afternoon. Coincidence or not, this is the best time to exercise. It is also associated with circadian rhythms.

The fact is that, according to research, muscle performance depends on body temperature. Namely: with a slight increase, the muscles begin to contract more efficiently. Of course, this does not mean that with getting the flu, you will set world records, but raising the temperature within normal limits does improve performance.

As you know, the daytime maximum body temperature reaches 16-18 hours. It is this time that is considered optimal for anaerobic training. During these hours, your strength is at maximum, your endurance is great, and the risk of injury is lower than in the morning, as your muscles are better warmed up.

All this makes exercising in the afternoon extremely attractive, especially if your goal is to increase strength, gain muscle mass, or develop flexibility. The only caveat is that you should not exercise right after lunch- give your body at least an hour and a half to digest your food.


Why are evening workouts good?

Evening is a good time for relaxation workouts. These include yoga, breathing exercises, and light aerobics. A more serious workout can overextend your body, which is tired during the day and negatively affects immunity and sleep quality.

There are exceptions to every rule

Of course, circadian rhythms are very important. However, their main feature is that they are deeply individual, which means that the above rules are only general recommendations.

If you are an "uncorrectable" owl, then the optimal time for training for you will be the afternoon, regardless of whether you are going to burn fat or train muscles. Conversely, if you are a "lark," it is quite possible that even anaerobic training should be carried out in the morning.

According to doctors, in training what is most important is not a specific time of day, but its consistency - you should always play sports at the same time. This will give your body the opportunity to get used to the loads and adjust the circadian rhythms to your training schedule.

If you are planning to participate in competitions, it is logical to train at the time of day when these competitions take place. If you are uncomfortable with going to the gym in the morning, there is nothing wrong with exercising in the afternoon. Although, of course, it will be easier for the body to get used to playing sports at a time when it suits its circadian rhythms.

Finally, some practical advice. If you can, try exercising at different times - and then choose a time when your workout is more effective, easier, and more enjoyable. This will be the perfect workout time that suits your body. For most people, aerobic exercise is more effective in the morning and anaerobic exercise in the afternoon, but remember, there are exceptions to every rule.