Everything you wanted to know about training on an empty stomach.

Everything you wanted to know about training on an empty stomach.

Most of those who dream of losing weight as soon as possible often rely on "hungry training". This is a popular theory based on the idea that your blood sugar levels are low when you've gone all night without eating which, supposedly, targets more fat burning during exercise.

Which workouts are acceptable before breakfast and which are not? What is best? Who is contraindicated for such classes? Let's try to understand in this article.

What is the purpose of working out on an empty stomach?

Workouts on an empty stomach are usually held early in the morning before breakfast. They are most often practiced by those who lose weight to stimulate fat burning. How does it work? In the morning, the body has a small supply of glycogen, so it is believed that the body starts using fats faster as an energy source on an empty stomach. However, it is worth noting that most studies have not confirmed this theory.


Can I train on an empty stomach?

“Can I train on an empty stomach?” The answer to this question depends on several factors. There's no perfect answer to this question, as many variables need to be taken into account, which complicates the results of research on this topic. Things such as: training time, type of training (power training or aerobic training), duration, and intensity of training, state of health, and the number of hours from the last meal all factor in. It's important to remember that in order to maintain long loads of a certain intensity, you need energy.

Running is the most common aerobic training on an empty stomach. In small doses, these classes won't do any harm, but at long distances there may be real health problems. For example, marathon runners, when eating incorrectly, face "Hitting the wall" where the starting point is the depletion of glycogen reserves. About 500 - 800 grams of this energy source are stored in the human body. When this source runs out, the body tries to burn other sources and produces energy from proteins and fats, but this does not help the runner, and at about 30 kilometers of running there is a sharp inability to run, sometimes ending in hospitalization.


Why is fasting before training dangerous?

Many experts advise against getting involved in intense workouts on an empty stomach because of their side effects:

  • Increased secretion of stress hormones that reduce immunity and can lead to upper respiratory tract infections;

  • Reducing the duration of training due to faster fatigue caused by low glycogen levels;

  • Increased risk of dehydration in hot climates. Glycogen in muscles retains an amount of water three times its own weight;

  • Increased risk of "burnout" and overtraining;

  • Increased risk of muscle damage and subsequent muscle loss.

It is also worth considering your own biorhythms: it is obvious that if you are a "Night Owl", early waking up in combination with fasting workouts will do you more harm than good.

Workouts on an empty stomach for pregnant women, people with low blood pressure, and vegetative dystonia are not recommended.


What training is allowed on an empty stomach?

The general rule is: it is permissible to conduct endurance classes on an empty stomach. if you're doing strength training, working out on an empty stomach is not suitable for you because low levels of glycogen don't stimulate muscle growth. Therefore, workouts on an empty stomach are not recommended in sports where strength is needed rather than endurance.

Training done on an empty stomach should be low-intensity. If you do decide to try to go to training hungry, choose low-intensive classes. But before that, be sure to consult your doctor to consult regarding whether training in this way could potentially cause harm.

For example, it's good to do light yoga or Nordic walking on an empty stomach (provided that the lesson lasts no more than an hour), or to run or perform aerobic exercises at an average pace (up to 45 minutes).

If you haven't trained like this before, start with short classes. Listen to your body, start gradually with 15-20 minute of walking, jogging, or another exercise, and see how your body reacts.

For some disciplines - for example, Body Flex - working out on an empty stomach is one of the conditions for successful weight loss.

However, if used incorrectly, training on an empty stomach can be harmful to your health.


What symptoms should I be afraid of when training on an empty stomach?

When you train on an empty stomach, it's important to keep track of your well-being. The following symptoms should alert you:

  • Fast fatigue;

  • Stomachache;

  • Heartburn;

  • Dizziness;

  • Hand tremor;

  • Headache.

If you find that you are experiencing something from this list, end your classes immediately and eat an energy bar or drink sweet tea to raise blood glucose levels as soon as possible.