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What is Endurance? The main types of endurance.


What is Endurance? The main types of endurance.

What is Strength Endurance?

What is Speed-Strength Endurance?

What is Speed Endurance?

What is coordination endurance?

What is Static Endurance?

What is Dynamic Endurance?

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What is Endurance? The main types of endurance.

Exercise makes us more resilient - this is common knowledge. What is Endurance?

Endurance is the body's ability to continuously perform any work that requires increased energy consumption and recover from it. Endurance is determined by the maximum time to complete this work. Endurance allows you to reduce the energy consumption of the body when performing certain actions.

The body's performance in terms of endurance is reduced by two main factors:

  • Insufficient amount of any physical qualities to overcome the load;

  • Low readiness for stress from the nervous system, which does not allow a person to relatively calmly, without indignation, endure physically heavy loads and overwork.

Endurance directly depends on the level of metabolic processes in the body, on the development of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and other body systems, on their well-coordinated work. Thus, endurance is also linked to aerobic and anaerobic body performance.

  • Anaerobic performance is the body's work in an oxygen-free mode. Energy is produced without the participation of oxygen from phosphates and glycogen stores in the body. Anaerobic energy is produced by the body in very limited quantities and is used for short, intense bursts of activity - only about four minutes.

  • Aerobic performance involves oxygen; energy in this mode is generated during workouts that develop the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, at an average pace - without peak load.

An aerobic workout is what helps develop general endurance. This is the basic ability of a person to perform work of moderate intensity for a long time with the full functioning of the muscular system. The best way to develop general endurance will be cyclic training work, for example, running and swimming. General endurance is the foundation for developing special endurance. When general endurance levels are high, it is easier to work on special endurance.

Special endurance is the ability to effectively perform work (physical activity), despite the resulting fatigue.

There are several varieties of special endurance, which we will discuss below.

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What is Strength Endurance?

Strength endurance is a type of special endurance that is used to develop and maintain the quality of muscle contractile strength. A person may need this at a sports event or, for example, when performing a complex training task.

It should be said about local muscular endurance, which allows a person to perform a given activity for a long time due to the high level of oxidative and contractile capabilities of certain muscles. This endurance may be required in a Body Pump program, in which one lane can be devoted to pressing movements or, say, squats - their variations are performed for quite a long time, for six minutes, so that the central muscle group is heavily loaded.

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What is Speed-Strength Endurance?

Speed-strength endurance is a type of endurance characterized by the performance of actions of high physical activity of a strength nature for a long time. This type of endurance is required to perform an “"explosive” movement.

Speed-strength sports are associated with the performance of fast, strong short-term movements. These include: weightlifting, various types of jumps, throws, sprint distance running. Dominant physical qualities, providing a high sports result: the speed of muscle contraction, the tempo of muscle contraction, the strength of the contractions and all connected together speed-strength capabilities.

Speed-strength endurance, in other words, is the body's ability to maintain speed-strength indicators for a long period of time under physical stress, including extreme physical exertion.

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What is Speed Endurance?

Speed endurance is the ability to maintain the required speed until the end of a competition or training task. This type of endurance is associated with the development of coordination of muscle contractions. In sprinting, speed endurance is critical. At a short distance (for example, running 100 meters), you need to demonstrate "explosive" speed. An example of speed endurance is swimming. When a swimmer swims 200 meters, it is important for him not only to swim to the end, but also to maintain the required speed.

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What is coordination endurance?

Coordination endurance develops with repeated repetition of technically complex actions. A prime example is Body Combat: the training from this program includes choreographic combinations with elements of martial arts, the repetition of which, accordingly, trains coordination.

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What is Static Endurance?

Static endurance is the ability to continuously maintain the body in the same position. This type of endurance may be required in the Body Balance program or in yoga, in which many asanas (the simplest examples are warrior pose, tree pose) require maintaining the position for a while.

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What is Dynamic Endurance?

Dynamic endurance is characterized by the performance of heavy muscle exercises at a moderate pace, but for a long time.

The training of this quality depends on the strength indicators of the athlete. Therefore, the stronger the muscles, the better this type of endurance is trained.

Workouts such as Body Pump can be used to develop dynamic endurance.

It is worth noting that dynamic endurance develops faster when static exercises are included in your training program. During endurance training, add 1 or 2 exercises that require you to hold your weight for some time. By diversifying your training plan in this way, you will significantly increase the effectiveness of your training.

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