Simple rules on how to avoid getting sick with colds and flu

How to avoid getting sick with colds and flu: simple rules

SARS and influenza are commonplace, especially in the off-season, when epidemics of viral infections cover entire groups. But despite the seemingly harmless nature of colds, the fight against them remains an urgent task of medicine. No one wants to fall out of life for several days two or three times a year, suffer from a runny nose, cough and sore throat, so doctors and patients do not stop looking for reliable ways to quickly and safely stop the manifestations of viral infections.

In this article, we will look at the main methods of combating colds and viruses, the prevention of which is much more practical than further treatment.

How not to get sick with colds and flu

Rule # 1. Avoid crowds

In order to avoid crowds of people, it is not at all necessary to turn into a hermit and sit in isolation all the time, drive only in a private car, and go to the store exclusively at night. But when possible, plan things so as not to get into rush hour. The fact is that the causative agents of influenza and colds quickly multiply their strength and spread among a large number of people. If you often have to be in a crowd in a confined space, try not to touch your nose, lips and eyes: these are the parts of the face that are most rapidly attacked by bacteria. These healthy habits will help you prevent the flu.

Rule # 2. Sneeze into the elbow

Covering your mouth with your hand when sneezing is one of the hygiene rules that you should give up. It is best to sneeze into a napkin, but if you don't have a handkerchief at hand, you can do it in the fold of your elbow. So bacteria and viruses will not get on your hands and will not scatter in the room, provoking a decrease in immunity in people around you. This will reduce the risk of infection of others, although it will not save you from the onset of the disease. Be sure to throw away the used tissue and wash your hands afterwards.

Rule # 3. Wash your hands

The main way to combat the spread of bacteria and viruses is to follow simple rules of hygiene. SARS and influenza remain and multiply on household items in public places, so it is especially important to wash your hands immediately after you come home. If you decide to have a snack on the go and there is no way to wash your hands, a sanitizer is suitable, which is convenient to carry with you in your bag.

Wash your hands

Rule # 4. Ventilate the room

Disinfecting wet wipes can be used to wipe the work table and surrounding objects. Influenza and cold viruses are literally in the air, so it is necessary to ventilate the room. In this case, it is better to leave the room so as not to sit in a draft and not overcool.

Do not underestimate the importance of airing the premises not only in your own apartment, but also in the office and in any other room for work. Your well-being and cheerfulness is dependent on it.

Ventilating rooms once a day is not enough. Before lunch and after lunch, it is necessary to ventilate the rooms in which there were people. In the evening, it is also necessary to completely ventilate all areas, including bedrooms.

Ventilating rooms

Rule # 5. Humidify the air

Frosty air does not add moisture to the room, it only refreshes and cools it. Due to heating, the air in the room becomes dry and irritates the mucous membranes. A humidifier and water spraying from a spray bottle will help solve the problem. Please note that without ventilating a warm room, in which carriers of the common cold may be, viruses develop even faster, therefore, humidification and ventilation must be organized alternately.

Rule # 6. Handle the sick with care

If you have a desire to visit a friend who has a cold, take a medical mask with you. It is advisable not to stay on a visit to the patient, but to get out into the fresh air as soon as possible, where viruses are much less likely to infect the body. Do not forget about the rules of hygiene after contact with an infected person, this is especially important.

Take a medical mask with you

Rule # 7. Boost your immunity

The main way to fight SARS and influenza is to make the body resistant to them. Strength for immunity must be drawn from good rest, a healthy lifestyle, and proper nutrition. Diversify your diet with vegetables and fruits. By agreement with the doctor, you can add vitamin complexes. Try to get enough sleep, schedule aerobic activity, and limit alcohol consumption.

Rule # 8. Eat Vitamin D

In the autumn-winter period, the body lacks sunlight, thanks to which vitamin D is produced. Its deficiency can lead to cardiovascular diseases and weakened immunity. For the prevention of vitamin D deficiency, an adult is recommended to receive at least 600-800 IU per day, and in case of insufficiency - at least 1500-2000 IU. You can replenish the substance in the body by adding foods rich in it to the diet. First of all, these are fatty fish: wild salmon, tuna and sardines, as well as other products: egg yolks, beef liver, butter and milk.

Rule # 9. Eliminate alcohol

New research shows that drinking alcohol can damage the body's dendritic cells, a vital component of the immune system. Increasing alcohol consumption over time can increase a person's susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections. The study, published in the journal Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, compared the dendritic cell and immune system responses in mice that received alcohol with a second group of rodents that did not. The immunity of the test subjects in the first group was significantly lower. Doctors believe this is an explanation for why vaccines are less effective for people with alcohol dependence.

Boost your immunity

Rule # 10. Try not to be nervous

Research by Dr. Dilwar Hussein of the Guwahati Indian Institute of Technology confirms that psychological stress suppresses bodily functions and can cause disease and immunity. An increase in the level of the hormone cortisol is harmful not only for physical well-being, but also for beauty: it causes flaking of the skin, makes hair dull, and promotes acne.

Rule # 11. At the first symptoms of a cold and flu, give yourself a break

According to the WHO, influenza manifests itself suddenly and with acute symptoms: joint, head and muscle pains, cough, high fever. Getting back on your feet quickly will not work, the body needs proper rest and recovery. Some people prefer to stay on their feet with a cold, because a light runny nose, a slight fever or a cough do not greatly interfere with everyday activities. This is not true! First, going to work with such symptoms, you aggravate the course of the disease and provoke complications. Secondly, you put others at risk by increasing the development of the virus in the external environment. Stay home and see your doctor if you experience these kinds of issues.

Give yourself a break

Rule # 12. Get vaccinated

Modern vaccinations develop immunity against the disease, so consult a physician about a possible vaccination. There are several types and subspecies of influenza, and vaccines contain their most common variants, significantly reducing the risk of contracting viruses that are common this season.

What you need to do in order not to get sick

There are actually few preventive measures. But all of them are quite simple and can become part of daily household rituals. To reduce the risk of infection, it is enough to observe elementary hygiene standards, eat right, take care of yourself, limiting contact with patients and overwork. Add vitamin-rich dishes to the menu, do wet cleaning and do not be afraid to ventilate the room, despite the fact that the air is already cool. To protect yourself from the flu, get vaccinated, which can be the most effective way to prevent illness.