10 foods to boost endurance


During winter, it is very important for us to constantly recharge, due to shortened days and the lack of vitamin D, we often feel tired and overworked in the morning. For this reason, among others it is more important than ever not to stop training for the winter and “hibernate”. What can you eat to increase your endurance? We have selected endurance inducing foods that can help you energize and relieve fatigue.


1. Bananas

It is no coincidence that bananas are a favorite of athletes and a staple in most healthy and nutritious diets. Bananas are great before-workout fuel, containing lots of easy-to-digest carbohydrates. They can charge the body with energy similar to "energy drinks", but unlike energy drinks, they offer the added benefit of potassium, which we lose during physical exertion as a result of sweating. This replenishment is important because potassium is responsible for fueling the body's endurance. When the body lacks potassium, the glycogen carbohydrate supply is not created. In addition, without potassium, the very process of muscle contraction is impossible.

Bananas also protect the body from the breakdown of muscle tissue cells (which is scientifically called catabolism). In short, an easy choice for athletes and exercisers alike is a banana.

The main thing to remember is that potassium is only found in ripe bananas. Ripe bananas are easy to spot by black freckles on the skin. If the bananas are still slightly green, let them ripen at room temperature. Ripe bananas will significantly increase the content of useful nutrients.


2. Chia seeds

The ability of chia seeds to give strength and endurance is a century-old legend that seems quite true: the ancient Aztecs ate them before hunting and before battles, so as not to be overtaken by fatigue. When going out on a tedious and long hike, the Aztecs always took chia seeds in their bags. It is now clear that chia seeds are considered a superfood for a reason.

Although they are very tiny, this does not prevent them from containing a lot of useful substances: fiber, protein, carbohydrates, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, calcium (there is 5-times the amount of calcium than in milk), potassium (and this trace element is twice as much as in bananas), iron, magnesium and others.

Getting them from a plant product (chia is an annual herb), the body receives a great deal of energy, keeping it content for a long time. In addition, chia seeds are good at stabilizing blood sugar levels so that overeating and, as a result, excess weight, will not be a concern.


3. Oats

A bowl of oatmeal a couple of hours before a workout is a great way to recharge and give your body enough energy to withstand a serious workout. The fact is that oats are a source of slow or complex carbohydrates that do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full for a long time. They are also a source of B vitamins.

Some of them convert macronutrients into compounds that serve as energy carriers for the body - they will definitely come in handy for muscles during sports. These vitamins also improve overall performance and fight fatigue.

Oats are also good because they contain manganese and magnesium, which are actively involved in metabolism. In order to increase your stamina, eating oats is one of the best options.


4. Quinoa

Not a single cereal (quinoa is similar to cereal only by the method of preparation, in fact, these are plant seeds) contains as much protein as quinoa! Moreover, this is a complete protein, which contains all 8 essential amino acids, which other plant sources of protein cannot boast. And that's not the only reason you should check out quinoa if you're an athlete.

Quinoa is a low-calorie product that provides the body with complex carbohydrates that eliminate hunger for a long time, "energy" B vitamins, potassium (without it, as we have already discovered, endurance is out of the question), iron, manganese, magnesium and much more ... Finally, the last argument in favor of quinoa, which will appeal to adherents of an active lifestyle, is the ease and speed of preparation.


5. Beets

This product has its own approach to how to increase the body's endurance: British scientists from Exter University discovered a few years ago that thanks to the nitrate contained in beets, the body absorbs more oxygen and therefore gets less tired during physical exertion, leading to increased endurance.

The scientific community was so interested in this that, on the basis of this product, a special sports nutrition is even being developed that can replace legal doping.

Beets received the title of “legal doping” and even began to attract the attention of anti-doping services - because athletes began to consume large quantities of beet juice, especially during the competition. But it hasn’t come to prohibitions yet, so the benefits of beets, which are rich in potassium and antioxidants, can be used further.

Drink beet juice - a source of antioxidants and potassium.


6. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is recommended even for those who are in the process of losing weight, although there are more than 150 calories in one tablespoon of coconut oil.
On the one hand, it increases energy expenditure, increases calorie expenditure and reduces appetite, which can be useful if you want to lose weight, on the other hand, it is an excellent source of energy.

Thanks to this product, there are no sharp jumps in blood sugar levels. The saturated fatty acids contained in it are quickly converted into fuel for the body, which is immediately consumed by the body, rather than being stored as fat reserves. One of these acids, lauic acid, also helps to cope with all kinds of viruses.

Strengthening the immune system, improving heart function, healthy and beautiful skin - all by adding coconut oil to your diet.

Coconut oil can be consumed in its pure form (a spoonful on an empty stomach before meals, but not more than three a day), as well as added to drinks (butter will sweeten tea, coffee, milk and much more), meals (butter with porridge is the best morning option) and use in cooking instead of other oils.


7. Sweet potato

Such "sweetness" as sweet potatoes should be taken into account as a source of healthy carbohydrates. This is a starchy tuber that helps to increase endurance without harm to physical fitness, so you can safely include it in your meal before the next workout.

Sweet potatoes also benefit your immune system - they contain vitamins C and D, which protect your health from many troubles.

Plus, this product contains many other healthy vitamins and minerals: magnesium, manganese, iron, calcium and potassium, which athletes need.

Mash the sweet potato or bake it in wedges in the oven like French fries, only healthier and tastier.


8. Cherry

Among the berries, it is the cherry that enjoys the special trust of athletes, and for several reasons. First, it is another source of potassium for muscle endurance. Second, tart cherries contain antioxidants that help muscles recover from stress. Thirdly, cherries do not allow fats that enter the body with food to turn into deposits. They also remove toxins from the body. The low calorie content of cherries: in 100 g - only 52 calories- also makes them an appealing choice.

Add cherry sourness to your diet - eat fresh or dried cherries, and also drink cherry juice.


9. Spinach

From now on, add spinach to your morning green juices or smoothies so that your lack of energy is no longer your problem. This leafy vegetable is rich in iron, needed to reduce fatigue. Thanks to iron, hemoglobin more actively delivers oxygen to the cells that need it, which makes you feel more invigorated. Iron also works to improve metabolism.

Potassium - increasing endurance and B vitamins involved in energy metabolism- is also found in spinach. Another benefit that athletes will love is the high protein and low calorie content (only 22 calories per 100 grams of spinach).


10. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a low-calorie fruit known as the record holder for the content of antioxidants This means that pomegranate will be more useful for recovery after sports. Before a workout, both the fruit itself and its juice should also come in handy - they are high in potassium, iron and B vitamins, which are crucial for providing the muscles with energy.