What foods contain vitamin D?

What foods contain vitamin D and how can you make up for it?

Vitamin D is the only nutrient that the body makes using sunlight. But its deficiency can also be replenished with diet.

Vitamin D-rich foods:

  1. Salmon

  2. Sardines and other fatty fish

  3. Herring

  4. Canned tuna

  5. Cod liver oil

  6. Egg yolks

  7. Mushrooms

  8. Cow's milk

  9. Soy milk

  10. Orange juice

  11. Vitamin D and Calcium

How to Replenish Vitamin D Deficiency?

  1. Salmon

According to the USDA, a serving of oily fish weighing about 100 grams contains 526 IU (international units) of vitamin D, 66% of the daily value. Much depends on where the salmon was grown. Wild-caught fish contain up to 988 IU of vitamin D per serving, with some studies suggesting that this goes up to 1,300 IU. Farm raised salmon can provide 25% fewer nutrients, but on average one serving provides 250 IU of the vitamin, or 32% of the daily value.


2. Sardines and other fatty fish

Canned sardines are a good source of the "sunshine vitamin". One 100-gram serving contains 177 IU of the nutrient, which is 22% of the daily intake. Other types of healthy, oily fish should be included in your diet if you spend a lot of time indoors. For example, a serving of halibut or mackerel will provide about 360-390 IU of vitamin D.


3. Herring

Herring is cooked not only in oil. It can be canned, smoked, and pickled. One fresh, natural Atlantic herring provides 216 IU of vitamin D per serving, or 27% of the RDA. If you prefer pickled fish, then use it to replenish about 14% of the required amount of vitamin D - in one serving, 112 IU. Keep in mind that with this method of cooking, a lot of salt accumulates in the fish, an excess of which can negatively affect health.


4. Canned tuna

This fish is often added to soups and salads, and is easier and cheaper to use than fresh tuna. Canned tuna contains 268 IU of vitamin D per 100 g, which is 34% of the daily value. In addition, canned tuna is an excellent source of vitamin K. Doctors say tuna may contain traces of mercury and other toxins that, when accumulated in the body, cause health problems. They are found in many types of fish, so some experts suggest you shouldn't eat canned tuna every day.


5. Cod liver oil

The fat of this fish is used to prevent vitamin D deficiencies in children. A teaspoon of cod liver oil contains 448 IU of the substance, which is 56% of the RDA. In addition, this fat contains a large amount of Omega-3 and vitamin A - about 150% of the daily value of 5 ml. Keep in mind that this vitamin can be toxic in large quantities, so experts do not suggest you consume cod liver oil too often.


6. Egg yolks

Seafood is the main, but not the only source of vitamin D. Whole eggs fill its deficiency just as well, and they are very nutritious. Useful substances and minerals are found mainly in the yolk: in one - 5% of the daily value of the "solar vitamin". The amount of vitamin D depends mainly on the length of time the chicken has been exposed to the sun and the quality of the grain that was fed to it. Farm-raised birds produce eggs that are three to four times more nutritious.

Egg yolks

7. Mushrooms

Vitamin D is produced in mushrooms by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This is one of the plant foods with a high vitamin content without additional artificial fortification. There is a lot of D2 in mushrooms, while, for example, in fish there is a lot of D3. D2 helps to raise blood vitamin levels, but it is less effective than D3. Some varieties of mushrooms contain up to 2300 IU per 100 gram portion, which is almost several times the daily requirement. But most types of mushroom from the store are grown in the dark, and there are much less nutrients in them. Some manufacturers treat mushrooms with ultraviolet light, which provides about 130-450 IU of vitamin D2 per serving.


8. Cow's milk

There are not many natural foods that are high in vitamin D, but manufacturers have figured out how to fill its deficit for those who do not eat fish, mushrooms, and eggs. Some foods are additionally fortified with vitamins. Cow's milk is a source of many nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin. The fortified product contains 115-130 IU of vitamin D per cup (230-250 ml).

Cow's milk

9. Soy milk

Since vitamin D is found primarily in animal products, vegetarians are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency. For this reason, animal milk replacers are also often supplemented with nutrients. Vitamin D is added to soy, oat, buckwheat and other types of plant milk. Information on beneficial supplements is indicated on the packaging; read the composition before buying.


10. Orange juice

About 75% of people in the world suffer from varying degrees of lactose intolerance, and 2-3% - from milk allergy. Therefore, you can find other foods fortified with nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D in stores [20]. One cup (250 ml) of orange juice contains about 100 IU, or 12% of the RDI.

Orange juice

11. Vitamin D and Calcium

The "sunshine vitamin" is essential for the proper absorption of calcium, which plays a key role in strengthening bones and skeletal integrity. Adequate amounts of both substances reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Children aged one to seven years and adults require approximately 600 IU of vitamin D per day. People over 70 years old should receive at least 800 IU (20 μg) of the substance per day [23]. The need for calcium also depends on age: children from one to eight years old need about 2500 mg per day, from nine to 18 years old - 3000 mg. Adults from 19 to 50 years old need 2500 mg per day, and after 50 - 2000 mg.

Add high calcium foods to your diet, such as cheese, Greek yogurt, spinach, kale salad, and soy. Some foods contain both calcium and vitamin D, such as salmon, sardines, and fortified orange juice.


How to Replenish Vitamin D Deficiency?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism and the maintenance of immunity, anti-tumor protection and many other functions of the body. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin under the influence of UV rays, and also comes from food. But in order to turn into an active form, it goes through two more activation stages in the body: in the liver and kidneys.

To compensate for the deficiency of vitamin D, food alone is not enough, since its content in most foods is extremely small. The leader in vitamin D content is fish: for example, wild salmon contains 600–1000 IU per 100 g, herring - up to 1676 IU, sardines - 300–600 IU, canned tuna - 236 IU. Other products contain vitamin D in negligible amounts: sour cream - 50 IU per 100 g, butter - 52 IU, egg yolk - 20 IU per piece, beef liver - 45 IU per 100 g, milk - only 2 IU per 100 g of product ...

For the prevention of vitamin D deficiency, an adult is recommended to receive at least 600-800 IU per day, and in case of insufficiency - at least 1500-2000 IU.

According to experts this situation may be aggravated by impaired absorption of vitamin D from food in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity, and diabetes mellitus. Then, to correct the deficiency, a significantly larger dose of native vitamin D may be required. Of course, it is impossible to obtain high doses of vitamin D only with food. Therefore, to compensate for the deficiency, native vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is recommended, the dose of which is selected individually by an endocrinologist.