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How to eat properly in winter?


Nutrition in winter: what to change in the usual diet

  1. Don't starve

  2. The diet should be varied

  3. Increase calories

  4. Give preference to protein foods

  5. Add vegetables and fruits

  6. Eat berries

  7. Take care of vitamins

  8. Drink water

  9. Eat and drink hotter

  10. Don't forget about spices

  11. Don't worry about weight

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Nutrition in winter: what to change in the usual diet

In winter, when the temperature is constantly freezing, immunity falls steadily, and only hot tea and a fluffy blanket keep you warm. Staying positive and healthy is not easy. The body needs to adapt to the winter.

We will tell you what changes occur in the body during the cold season and how to eat right to stay active and healthy. Follow our tips to help you organize the right winter food, then the cold will bypass you, and your mood will always be at its best.

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Rule № 1. Don't starve

If you practice fasting for several hours, be sure to check this method with your doctor. Prolonged refusal to eat is easier to tolerate in the warm season, and in winter the body needs more energy, which is consumed at lower temperatures. Due to an improperly selected diet, there is a risk of getting sick. In cold weather, it is better to maintain immunity without exposing the body to stress.

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Rule № 2. The diet should be varied

Perhaps the most important winter rule on which your well-being depends is a balanced diet. The daily menu must include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. This is especially true at this time of year, as the body expends a lot of energy to resist viruses and infections. Only a balanced diet and the presence of various products in the diet will help to compensate for these losses.

It is for this reason that doctors and nutritionists do not recommend going on a diet and limiting yourself in the consumption of certain foods in winter, because this can adversely affect your health.

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Rule № 3. Increase calories

Winter meals should be more satisfying. But it is important to add calories from healthy foods. Often in the cold season you want starchy foods and sweets, but these are fast carbohydrates that provide little energy, but are stored in fat reserves. Try adding healthy grains to salads and soups, and cook hearty protein foods. For easy digestion, try baking over frying.

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Rule № 4. Give preference to protein foods

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of protein in the winter diet. The fact is that their lack leads to a decrease in the body's defenses. Lean on fish, poultry, lean meat, dairy products, eggs, and seafood. In addition, protein has a positive effect on the condition of our muscles. This is important for those who lead an active lifestyle or play sports.

By the way, winter is a great time to finally go in for sports, get in good physical shape, excellent health, and start actively preparing for the summer beach season. If you lean on protein food, but do not play sports, then you run the risk of gaining weight.

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Rule № 5. Add vegetables and fruits

In winter, some products are more expensive. Include seasonal vegetables and fruits in your diet to save without compromising your health. For example, beets, pumpkins, onions, cabbage, turnips, and carrots are stored for a long time. Many foreign products are now cheaper: The winter is the season for bananas and avocados.

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Rule № 6. Eat berries

It is generally accepted that berries are more often added to the summer menu, and in winter, artificially grown foreign strawberries, blueberries or raspberries are sold. At the same time, the collection of cranberries takes place throughout the fall, and in winter you can find recently plucked lingonberries and crowberries. Nutritionists are sure that frozen berries are not inferior to fresh ones in useful properties, so you can store them in the freezer all winter.

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Rule № 7. Take care of vitamins

Most of the vitamins we need, we get from fruits, vegetables, berries, and herbs. In winter, there are fewer of them available, but the nutrients are still needed, especially vitamins A, C, E and group B. Dry air in the room promotes the spread of viruses, and hypothermia undermines an already weakened immune system. Monitor your diet and, if necessary, consult with your physician about taking vitamins from the pharmacy.

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Rule № 8. Drink water

This rule can be considered all-season, but it is especially true in winter. Due to central heating in apartments and offices, moisture evaporates faster, as a result, the body does not have enough fluid. The metabolism slows down, the skin becomes dry and the hair becomes brittle. Remember to drink about 2 liters of water a day. In colder months it is good to keep warm with hot drinks: teas with herbs, berries and dried fruits

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Rule № 9. Eat and drink hotter

When it's cold outside, a person resists frost and spends a lot of energy to maintain a comfortable temperature. To help the body, you need not only to dress warmly, but also to keep warm from the inside. Try not to overcool, eat hot meals, especially soups that are easy to digest. If you can't avoid snacking on the run, drink it with hot tea or cocoa.

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Rule № 10. Don't forget about spices

Spices can diversify and fortify the diet at any time of the year. Many of them have warming properties and boost metabolism, which is why they are usually added to winter foods and drinks such as mulled wine. Cloves, cardamom, ginger and black pepper will add a special flavor to dishes, and Christmas cookies with cinnamon are a must-have for winter holidays in many countries. Add a pinch of seasonings to ready-made food, so they retain maximum useful properties.

Keep in mind that hot spices should not be used in case of stomach diseases and inflammation of internal organs.

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Rule № 11. Don't worry about weight

Most people gain a couple of pounds in the winter by lowering their metabolism. This is normal, the body creates a safe environment and survives the cold. Try to keep your usual activity, go in for winter sports and do not lean on fatty and sweet foods; so you will not gain excess weight, and if you gain weight, then in the spring you will get rid of pounds by increasing activity.

Of course, do not forget about other secrets of health and beauty in the winter. Good sleep and exercise should also be part of your life if you want to stay in good shape at all times. This is the only way not to leave the slightest chance for colds and ailments.

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