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6 facts about the benefits of pumpkin seeds

6 facts about the benefits of pumpkin seeds.

Do you like chewing something at your desktop or while watching television? Then why not try pumpkin seeds instead of harmful chips and cookies? Pumpkin seeds are a natural treat that is not only very tasty, but also healthy. We will tell you in detail why pumpkin seeds are useful and why they should be included in your diet.

  1. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium and other minerals.

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium, manganese, iron and copper. Magnesium helps to improve our mood and sleep quality. Manganese plays an important role in collagen production- it maintains the usefulness of the skin. Iron helps transport oxygen to our cells, and zinc maintains immunity, skin health and vision. Only one serving of pumpkin seeds will provide the body with 14 to 42% of the daily dose of these necessary nutrients.

In 100 gr. pumpkin seeds contain (in% of the recommended daily allowance):

  • Vitamin B1 - 1.8%

  • Vitamin B4 - 12.6%

  • Vitamin B5 - 15%

  • Vitamin B9 - 14.5%

  • Vitamin E - 14.5%

  • Vitamin PP - 24.9%

  • Potassium - 32.4%

  • Silicon - 83.3%

  • Magnesium - 148%

  • Phosphorus - 154.1%

  • Iron - 49%

  • Cobalt - 83%

  • Vitamin B1 - 1.8%

  • Vitamin B4 - 12.6%

  • Vitamin B5 - 15%

  • Vitamin B9 - 14.5%

  • Vitamin E - 14.5%

  • Vitamin PP - 24.9%

  • Potassium - 32.4%

  • Silicon - 83.3%

  • Magnesium - 148%

  • Phosphorus - 154.1%

  • Iron - 49%

  • Cobalt - 83%

  • Manganese - 227.2%

  • Copper - 134.3%

  • Molybdenum - 14.3%

  • Selenium - 17.1%

  • Chrome - 80%

  • Zinc - 65.1%

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids 101%

2. Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants.

In addition to minerals, pumpkin seeds also contain a large number of antioxidants, including carotenoids and vitamin E. These substances help relieve the inflammatory process in the body, as well as prevent premature aging of the body and chronic diseases. Studies have shown that pumpkin seed oil can help reduce inflammation. Scientific research has shown that pumpkin seeds are a good source of phytosterols, tocopherol, and squalene.

3. Pumpkin seeds are the best source of healthy fats.

Pumpkin seeds contain fatty acids such as omega-3, fatty acids in plant origin (ALA - α-Linolenic acid). This substance has an anti-inflammatory effect and also protects our body from heart disease, normalizes blood pressure. The study showed that a mixture of hammer pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and sesame helps reduce inflammatory markers in adults with liver disease. Patient took 30 grams of crushed pumpkin seeds daily for 12 weeks, and studies have shown that ALA is useful for protecting against various cardiovascular diseases. Scientists recommend using 2 grams of ALA a day to protect your heart.

4. Pumpkin seeds regulate blood sugar levels.

Studies show that eating pumpkin seeds helps to avoid type two diabetes because they normalize insulin production. The combination of flax seeds with pumpkin seeds can also help prevent complications associated with diabetes. Scientists have found that eating a mixture of pumpkin and flax seeds can help prevent diabetic kidney disease.

The glycemic pumpkinseed index is only 25 units. This means that pumpkin seeds contain complex carbohydrates that are absorbed for a long time and do not give sudden glucose changes. In addition, they contain a significant amount of fiber, which further slows down the process of sugar absorption.

5. Pumpkin seeds improve sperm quality.

Studies have shown that pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil help protect prostate health. Daily intake of 10 grams of pumpkin seed extract improves urination function. It has also been found that a high concentration of zinc, found in pumpkin seeds, can improve male fertility by improving sperm quality.

6. Pumpkin seeds can save a person from parasites.

A 2012 study found that daily use of pumpkin seeds reduces the number of parasites by 75%. Eating pumpkin seeds together with areca nuts was even more effective and reduced the load from proselytes by 89%.

Like any other food, pumpkin seeds are contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to this type of food.

You shouldn't eat pumpkin seeds if you have:

a) chronic diseases and inflammatory processes in the pancreas, intestines, or liver;
b) the presence of salt stones in the gallbladder or kidneys;
c) poor blood clotting; low blood glucose;
d) insufficient cholesterol level; dilated blood vessels;
e) excessive body weight;
f) excess stomach acidity.

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